
Tuesday, July 06, 2004


i just guess that i need this some time sooner or later... so just created it now so that i wouldn't have to do so in the future... i don't know when i'm gonna tell my friends about this blog of mine... cause i don't wan to hurt anyone... u know... this is suppose to be one place i really express what i think and what i feel... so... ya... if someone find this... they'll know... it's just a matter of time i think... haiz...

i have something to tell felicia... but i don't know how... so... let's see and when the time come, i'll just tell her... i just have to tell her to stop feeling guilty about loving shy min or feel bad for shy min or whatever thing... i'm confused also... so my phrasing may not be accurate and doesn't seems to make any sense at all...

so... let's wait... :)