
Monday, September 20, 2004

first day... LOlz

first full day at home with dad... not that bad... cause he went for a wedding dinner... haha... 3pm like that go until 10pm reached home... hah... lallaala...

then actually nothing to eat de... then i go eat all the snacks... haha... then plus the food my dad bought for me... end up eating a lot of things... oh no... there goes my diet again.. :X

then at 5+ like that mum called back... then ask this ask that... all about my meals... so bo liao... then i of cousre fed up la... then buei song voice lo... haha... i no eat u can fly back to buy for me meh... say until like dad so useless like that... LOlz... then mum dun wan ask liao give back to 4th sis... then i 'wat la...' LOlz... then she 'okok... next time then call u lo... bye...' LOLz... but they reall bo liao lo... -.-

this house... really bth liao... cant wait to go aus next year... but my english.. can mah? LOlz... tml poa... can mah? LOlz... tuesday e maths i think can... but ss... can mah? LOlz... geography... can mah? haha... others should be ok ba... except a maths... i also dunno i mid year tyco or i really improved... haiz... so unstable... wat is my prelims cant get me into that college... how? haiz... since's whether i go or not there will be sadness... might as well go... get out of this house... if the love is there it shouldn't be a problem wat... LOlz... i so byl sia... haha... but... haiz... i can onli hope... even if... EVEN IF she end of year give me the answer i want... we also nv noe what will happen rite? esp when she's in jc... all those gd gd qualities de guys... or maybe she's waiting to know more guys in jc in the first place... aha... highly likely.... even her friendster also got rjc vjc de guys lo... haiz... i think i really... haiz...

so.. seems like many pple like raining days huh? hah... after some stories on the web circulate here and there so many pple starting to like rains le... haha... i also quite like... but got diff reasons... had been trying hard to phrase my reason... but still can't... so... wait ba :X

what am i to you?

if only there's a defination of 'love'~
cause i can't be sure whether or not i really do love you...