
Monday, June 06, 2005

tag replies

***tag replies tag replies***

peny: at first i dunno wat u toking about... haha... but after looking at john's tag.. then understand le... but really... i wasn't referring to u... LOL... jk la... everybody come la... the more the merrier mah... rite rite... some more i dun have as much chances to watch movies with u all together... and then i got so many movies that i wan to watch... just hope u all dun watch it b4 me... watch mr. and mrs smith le mah? or that cartoon wat mascar wat wat de... or fantastic 4? u all tell me wat u wannna watch la! no chinese movies!!! haha... i noe now got one wat unleashed de rite... not interested...

p.s peny i ask u out u will come meh... tsk tsk... everyday eye candy onli...

john: yea... yyh dun wan u then u come back to me le... treat me movies first then i consider :X

yongda (and john): eh... if possible u all give me ur timetable leh... then tell me which lecture i can crush... feel like going for one... haha... so u wan go watch trailer with me one not? LOL... very fun one rite... haha... eh... sp got macs or not ar? dun have rite? :S