
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

back to blogger skins

haha... after so long... i'm back to the skins blogger provides...

not much reasons... if u have a blog... u all will/may find it very tiring to find a blogskin from places like and so on... so... to make my life simple for myself... i'm back to using blogger's skins... it's simple... and nice! and comments enabled to... ya... that's about the onli thing that i like about their skins actually... haha... so in the future if u all have any comment to make, in particular to any posts of mine, pls make a comment for that post instead of tagging... cause... COMMENTS ARE KEPT FOREVER! (until blogger closes down)

nothing much to blog really... sch has been usual... tml going to a play... free of charge... a play which my sister paid A$13 for... haha... dunno why that group is having one session for trinity students free of charge... anyway i'm joining the publicity team for the CTG production -- the twelveth night. hmm... just for the cert really... anyway it's FOC again... haha... ok... that's about all i shall say tonite... buaiz~