before ziawen goes off to sydney
Today is Tuesday. Penny's tag made sense, so I shall blog on today. But it's a two-way thing right? I won't blog if I don't feel encouraged mah... :X
OK! Nevermind. So yesterday night, we've planned what to do today. Save the details, we were suppose to meet at Nike Melbourne at 1pm. I even slept early yesterday cause I was afraid I won't be there on time. Woke up this morning, wanting to walk all the way down to Bourke Street, but decided not after seeing the Sun.
Took tram down. tra la la la la la.
Reached Nike Melbourne at 1250. Not bad. I thought I saw Ziawen there already. OMG. She's early. I better walk up to her quick. But end up I recognised wrongly. arghhhh
Wait wait wait, Gan called me. In summary, this was what the conversation was about:
"Qas (he called me by my real name of course, but I have to keep my identity a secret)... Ziawen will be there at 1330, Cheryl 1400, and I have to wait for the Fedex guy."
Haiz. *bang head against wall*
NEVERMIND LA! Let me wait for Bennett and Yenshan. And luckily Bennett reached on time. But Yenshan was... haiz. Disappointing also la. So Bennett and me went to DickSmith and JB Hi-Fi (both are electronic stores) to see the ipod nano. It's soooooo small!!! Ok nvm, so at JB Hi-Fi, Bennett decided to play this AFL (Australia Football League, more commonly known as Footy) game and so I went back to look at the nano again, which by now a lot of working-class people are looking at too.
Guess what I saw. Nothing much la... haha... The sales girl took out one black ipod nano. Someone's buying!!! omg omg... have to see. But I went back to see Bennett playing the game after hearing the first sentence.
"The charger is not included."
Haiz. Disappointing.
Then I went back to tell Bennett, he was also disappointed. Then we went to check the price of the charger, it was A$60. Think it's kinda expensive. How much is it back in Singapore or Malaysia huh? Someone pls tell me...
So, Yenshan was still not there yet. Alamak. Stomach got calling again. I want to go QV's toilet. It was a street away and so I could understand Bennett's relunctance for me to go, even though I don't mind going there alone. The toilets there are nicer la. Seriously, I've tried so many toilets, I know which toilets are better. :X
So Bennett wanted to go State Library instead. And was said that I shall give him a miss call when I'm done doing my stuff and then he will come meet me at one shop. But when I was done, he was already there drinking Boost juice.
Talking about Boost juice, many people are crazy over this Boost juice. I don't know why. I think it's famous enough to become an icon of Australia but it doesn't taste good to me. At least I know I won't be able to finish even one regular serve of Boost juice by myself. Never bought a Boost juice before. Shall post some pictures of the Boost juice. Wait a minute, let me find one ar...

One Boost shop with erm... three not so great looking people

that's how Boost juice looks like...
Yeah... It's suppose to be a very healthy drink. But one show did a survey on it and found out that the calories that it carries is about the same as a can of coke. In case some of you might be interested, here's their website:
But I don't suggest you all to go cause you might get addicted to it or you want to try it but have no chance to do so, of course unless you are in Australia. Omg. This is so lame.
Ok. So after that, Bennett wants to go State Library again.
OK lo. Go with him, since I've never step into that place before. Wasted some time there, and that place wasn't impressive either.
Then Yenshan called. So we went to find him. Gan must had called him too, and he must be lucky enough being 'late', cause Gan's call gave him one hour more to get his ass down to Bourke Street. Then the three losers(cause we were made to wait for the other three people) went loitering around. First to Hungry Jack's cause Yenshan wanted icecream, then to Rebel Sports (sports shop) cause it was having a sale.
And surprisingly... we had quite some fun at Rebel Sports.
Did I said Ziawen called me and said she had to go out with her sisiter, after telling me she was waiting for her friend to pass her something? So she was at first going to be late, and then not being able to meet us up. And she's going to Sydney the next day. Such good friend. :X
Then Cheryl came. Said she was late cause she was waiting for Gavin, her cousin, who is our friend too. This Gavin had been so looking forward to holiday. He was telling Gan how hard he wants to chiong out every night, do this do that, and do that and do this. But after our last paper, which was Physics, he glued himself to his computer chair, playing WOW -- World of Warcarft. WOW everyday. At first his aim was to get to level 60, which I suppose is the highest level, before coming out. And when we finally waited for him to reach lvl60, he wants to collect items. True that you cant afford to play PC games this crazy during school terms, but is WOW more important than friends?
HAiz. Disappointing.
Let him be ba. Not bad also actually. His life is so WOW. So WOW that we have nothing to say.
Anyway, of course Gavin was playing WOW and so he didn't come out. Eventually, Cheryl met us in Rebel Sports at 1430. If you scroll up and refer, she was suppose to reach at 1400. Disappointing.
Then we continued to 'shop' at Rebel Sports, and we saw Erick with his friend, Michael, I think. Eric cut his hair. Nothing much. Just shorter.
Then Cheryl went shopping at some other shops while Bennett, Yenshan and me went to sit the benches along Bourke Street. Check out the new City Information Centre that helps tourists with the tour around Melbourne City. Not a bad idea. Quite nice in fact. Singapore still don't have this kinda thing right? A booth in the middle of the city.
*Recalls Orchard. Nope. Don't have*
Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, pictures.

this is the centre along Flinders, can't find a picture of the booth

the cute ambassadors of Melbourne
Then Bennett and me felt hungry. Craving for some MacDonald's. So we went there. Then Gan came. At 1530. Then we went to Crown. Yea... Movie marathon my foot. Reaching at 1530. Marathon shit. Then in the end we decided to watch Red Eye. Ziawen would be joining us, but that gay Gavin... don't want to join us. Don't know if he's out with sister buying ipod nano or back at home player WOW. I'm not a single bit interested.
But we still have one hour before our movie starts. So we went to the arcade. HAIYA. Disappointing. Crown so big but we only go to that few places. But this was the worst part of the whole time we spent there.
We were walking around seeing other people playing games. I mean, that's what we always do. And suddenly Cheryl turned and say, in her very own unique style, "This is so gay la. We are not doing anything."
Movie time. Ziawen joined us out of nowhere, and we went into the cinema. Tsk tsk. Ziawen kept on talking to Gan once she reached. Like other people transparent like that. Nvm. Red Eye wasn't that bad. But that pen part was disgusting. >_<>
I remembering hearing Gan said in the afternoon that we will have Crown buffet for dinner. You guys have to understand, Gan is the one with the least money. Always complaning he don't have money to do this and that. So I thought hearing these words from Gan means we sure gonna have buffet for dinner. But who knows...
After movie, they walked to where all the fastfood resturants are.
HAiz. Disappointing.
So we had fastfood for dinner. So unhealthy.
Then after that, the guys, excluding me cause I'm not excatly a guy, went to play laser war. So left Cheryl, Ziawen and me. Stone a bit at the place while waiting for Ziawen to finish her food/Cheryl to finish her Boost (can't remember which one, I was stonning, big time) then we went down to the arcarde also. They can't stone as good as me, so went to play games. Those guys came out, only to go back in half an hour later to play another game. Ziawen went home for don't know what reasons (cause I was still talking to her just now online at 3+am) and me and Cheryl went to stone. Again, she can't stand it, went to played games again.
Guys came out, Cheryl went back, and they see I bad mood (I wasn't, just stonning) so they thought going back home wasn't a nice thing to do after making me wait for them. So we went to crap outside Crown. Playing with the slime that Cheryl won with her tickets. Guys can get real crappy, known fact, as seen from this entry. And then Bennett wanted to go home after talking to his mother on the phone.
Again, I don't want to go home, as usual. So we crapped on Elizebeth Street and Bennett couldn't take it anymore and went home first. Then left Yenshan Gan and me. Crap again. Hungry. Went to some pathetic shops that has four cameras for no apparent reasons but still cant satisfy us. So we to one 24-hours shop along Swanston. No, not that cafe. A shop opposite the cafe.
Never did we expect ourselves to be able to sit down there and talked for two hours. Surprising. It was a very nice chat. But Gan spoilt the whole thing again cause he has that fierce sister at home. Haiz.
So walked back home with Yenshan. Went to QV's toilet and realised they cant close the toilet cause there's absolutely no doors on the way to the toilet. But they could had off the lights but whatever~ They didn't and we used the toilet. Then found out there's actually apartments above QV. Maybe can go consider. But a bit far to University, that is if I enter Melb Uni. If RMIT, ho ho ho it's so near la.
While walking back, me and Yenshan stopped to look at the Milano. Construction work not yet finish but I was already dreaming of living in there. But I can only dream about living there, unless I become Ziawen's boyfriend. LOL. There's impossible also btw.
Haiz... Told Yenshan I won't be watching soccer today cause it was late. But, haiz. it's already 0620 now. So I might as well watch. Disappointing.
P.S. I didn't blog for 3hours. I read someone's blog and looked at pictures just know, which took me maybe around 50 minutes. Ok la, it was Rain's. Found out she's working in a resturant and that s h e l i k e s o n e g u y .
OK! Nevermind. So yesterday night, we've planned what to do today. Save the details, we were suppose to meet at Nike Melbourne at 1pm. I even slept early yesterday cause I was afraid I won't be there on time. Woke up this morning, wanting to walk all the way down to Bourke Street, but decided not after seeing the Sun.
Took tram down. tra la la la la la.
Reached Nike Melbourne at 1250. Not bad. I thought I saw Ziawen there already. OMG. She's early. I better walk up to her quick. But end up I recognised wrongly. arghhhh
Wait wait wait, Gan called me. In summary, this was what the conversation was about:
"Qas (he called me by my real name of course, but I have to keep my identity a secret)... Ziawen will be there at 1330, Cheryl 1400, and I have to wait for the Fedex guy."
Haiz. *bang head against wall*
NEVERMIND LA! Let me wait for Bennett and Yenshan. And luckily Bennett reached on time. But Yenshan was... haiz. Disappointing also la. So Bennett and me went to DickSmith and JB Hi-Fi (both are electronic stores) to see the ipod nano. It's soooooo small!!! Ok nvm, so at JB Hi-Fi, Bennett decided to play this AFL (Australia Football League, more commonly known as Footy) game and so I went back to look at the nano again, which by now a lot of working-class people are looking at too.
Guess what I saw. Nothing much la... haha... The sales girl took out one black ipod nano. Someone's buying!!! omg omg... have to see. But I went back to see Bennett playing the game after hearing the first sentence.
"The charger is not included."
Haiz. Disappointing.
Then I went back to tell Bennett, he was also disappointed. Then we went to check the price of the charger, it was A$60. Think it's kinda expensive. How much is it back in Singapore or Malaysia huh? Someone pls tell me...
So, Yenshan was still not there yet. Alamak. Stomach got calling again. I want to go QV's toilet. It was a street away and so I could understand Bennett's relunctance for me to go, even though I don't mind going there alone. The toilets there are nicer la. Seriously, I've tried so many toilets, I know which toilets are better. :X
So Bennett wanted to go State Library instead. And was said that I shall give him a miss call when I'm done doing my stuff and then he will come meet me at one shop. But when I was done, he was already there drinking Boost juice.
Talking about Boost juice, many people are crazy over this Boost juice. I don't know why. I think it's famous enough to become an icon of Australia but it doesn't taste good to me. At least I know I won't be able to finish even one regular serve of Boost juice by myself. Never bought a Boost juice before. Shall post some pictures of the Boost juice. Wait a minute, let me find one ar...

One Boost shop with erm... three not so great looking people

that's how Boost juice looks like...
Yeah... It's suppose to be a very healthy drink. But one show did a survey on it and found out that the calories that it carries is about the same as a can of coke. In case some of you might be interested, here's their website:
But I don't suggest you all to go cause you might get addicted to it or you want to try it but have no chance to do so, of course unless you are in Australia. Omg. This is so lame.
Ok. So after that, Bennett wants to go State Library again.
OK lo. Go with him, since I've never step into that place before. Wasted some time there, and that place wasn't impressive either.
Then Yenshan called. So we went to find him. Gan must had called him too, and he must be lucky enough being 'late', cause Gan's call gave him one hour more to get his ass down to Bourke Street. Then the three losers(cause we were made to wait for the other three people) went loitering around. First to Hungry Jack's cause Yenshan wanted icecream, then to Rebel Sports (sports shop) cause it was having a sale.
And surprisingly... we had quite some fun at Rebel Sports.
Did I said Ziawen called me and said she had to go out with her sisiter, after telling me she was waiting for her friend to pass her something? So she was at first going to be late, and then not being able to meet us up. And she's going to Sydney the next day. Such good friend. :X
Then Cheryl came. Said she was late cause she was waiting for Gavin, her cousin, who is our friend too. This Gavin had been so looking forward to holiday. He was telling Gan how hard he wants to chiong out every night, do this do that, and do that and do this. But after our last paper, which was Physics, he glued himself to his computer chair, playing WOW -- World of Warcarft. WOW everyday. At first his aim was to get to level 60, which I suppose is the highest level, before coming out. And when we finally waited for him to reach lvl60, he wants to collect items. True that you cant afford to play PC games this crazy during school terms, but is WOW more important than friends?
HAiz. Disappointing.
Let him be ba. Not bad also actually. His life is so WOW. So WOW that we have nothing to say.
Anyway, of course Gavin was playing WOW and so he didn't come out. Eventually, Cheryl met us in Rebel Sports at 1430. If you scroll up and refer, she was suppose to reach at 1400. Disappointing.
Then we continued to 'shop' at Rebel Sports, and we saw Erick with his friend, Michael, I think. Eric cut his hair. Nothing much. Just shorter.
Then Cheryl went shopping at some other shops while Bennett, Yenshan and me went to sit the benches along Bourke Street. Check out the new City Information Centre that helps tourists with the tour around Melbourne City. Not a bad idea. Quite nice in fact. Singapore still don't have this kinda thing right? A booth in the middle of the city.
*Recalls Orchard. Nope. Don't have*
Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, pictures.

this is the centre along Flinders, can't find a picture of the booth

the cute ambassadors of Melbourne
Then Bennett and me felt hungry. Craving for some MacDonald's. So we went there. Then Gan came. At 1530. Then we went to Crown. Yea... Movie marathon my foot. Reaching at 1530. Marathon shit. Then in the end we decided to watch Red Eye. Ziawen would be joining us, but that gay Gavin... don't want to join us. Don't know if he's out with sister buying ipod nano or back at home player WOW. I'm not a single bit interested.
But we still have one hour before our movie starts. So we went to the arcade. HAIYA. Disappointing. Crown so big but we only go to that few places. But this was the worst part of the whole time we spent there.
We were walking around seeing other people playing games. I mean, that's what we always do. And suddenly Cheryl turned and say, in her very own unique style, "This is so gay la. We are not doing anything."
Movie time. Ziawen joined us out of nowhere, and we went into the cinema. Tsk tsk. Ziawen kept on talking to Gan once she reached. Like other people transparent like that. Nvm. Red Eye wasn't that bad. But that pen part was disgusting. >_<>
I remembering hearing Gan said in the afternoon that we will have Crown buffet for dinner. You guys have to understand, Gan is the one with the least money. Always complaning he don't have money to do this and that. So I thought hearing these words from Gan means we sure gonna have buffet for dinner. But who knows...
After movie, they walked to where all the fastfood resturants are.
HAiz. Disappointing.
So we had fastfood for dinner. So unhealthy.
Then after that, the guys, excluding me cause I'm not excatly a guy, went to play laser war. So left Cheryl, Ziawen and me. Stone a bit at the place while waiting for Ziawen to finish her food/Cheryl to finish her Boost (can't remember which one, I was stonning, big time) then we went down to the arcarde also. They can't stone as good as me, so went to play games. Those guys came out, only to go back in half an hour later to play another game. Ziawen went home for don't know what reasons (cause I was still talking to her just now online at 3+am) and me and Cheryl went to stone. Again, she can't stand it, went to played games again.
Guys came out, Cheryl went back, and they see I bad mood (I wasn't, just stonning) so they thought going back home wasn't a nice thing to do after making me wait for them. So we went to crap outside Crown. Playing with the slime that Cheryl won with her tickets. Guys can get real crappy, known fact, as seen from this entry. And then Bennett wanted to go home after talking to his mother on the phone.
Again, I don't want to go home, as usual. So we crapped on Elizebeth Street and Bennett couldn't take it anymore and went home first. Then left Yenshan Gan and me. Crap again. Hungry. Went to some pathetic shops that has four cameras for no apparent reasons but still cant satisfy us. So we to one 24-hours shop along Swanston. No, not that cafe. A shop opposite the cafe.
Never did we expect ourselves to be able to sit down there and talked for two hours. Surprising. It was a very nice chat. But Gan spoilt the whole thing again cause he has that fierce sister at home. Haiz.
So walked back home with Yenshan. Went to QV's toilet and realised they cant close the toilet cause there's absolutely no doors on the way to the toilet. But they could had off the lights but whatever~ They didn't and we used the toilet. Then found out there's actually apartments above QV. Maybe can go consider. But a bit far to University, that is if I enter Melb Uni. If RMIT, ho ho ho it's so near la.
While walking back, me and Yenshan stopped to look at the Milano. Construction work not yet finish but I was already dreaming of living in there. But I can only dream about living there, unless I become Ziawen's boyfriend. LOL. There's impossible also btw.
Haiz... Told Yenshan I won't be watching soccer today cause it was late. But, haiz. it's already 0620 now. So I might as well watch. Disappointing.
P.S. I didn't blog for 3hours. I read someone's blog and looked at pictures just know, which took me maybe around 50 minutes. Ok la, it was Rain's. Found out she's working in a resturant and that s h e l i k e s o n e g u y .