
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Won't be blogging

I wanted to blog a few days back but was tired after making another movie review on MI3.

Anyway, half of my songs are gone cause of iTunes, and why would I be using iTunes you might ask. Cause I got my iPod...

But half of my songs are gone cause of their bad programming. So I'm not totally happy about having the iPod. This is my first real mp3 player by the way. And don't really like the idea that you have to use iTunes to update the iPod, and most of the time you have to include one whole folder, unless you update it manually. Yet to try to update it manually though...

So now whenever I have free time I will try to recover my almost 1000 songs which are gone, and other times I hope I'll be studying (exams are two weeks from now). So, yea, probably won't be blogging for quite some time, or the intervals between posts should be quite long.

Anyway if you all want to read the review you know where to go. :P