
Monday, April 02, 2007

Scary shit

I will never want to lose my leg, all of a sudden.

Just know I was sleeping when Nicholas came. He knocked on the door for some time before I'm conscious enough to wake up and open the door for him. But when I tried to wake up, this was what happened.

I sat on the bed first and tried to stand up. I couldn't. I didn't know what was going on but I forced my way up anyhow.

Then I just don't have any energy in my right leg and I fell down striaght.

Got up again, and fell again.

Nicholas was knocking harder by now and I tried to stand up, forced a few steps but fell again for the last time.

When I opened the door Nic said he could hear those banging sounds, and asked me what happened.

I want to know what happened to my right leg also. It was scary, in health sense. I only related it anything to do with ghost until I started blogging.
