
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I've lost the hang of blogging!

Like really, why is it that I used to have the time to blog once very few days?

Been trying hard to sleep before 12...

But everyday after school, I don't feel like going home. Most of the time I end up hanging out at CTG table during lunch time or at my friend's house, which is further than my own house from uni by the way...

Then again don't feel like going home after dinner (eating out most of the time), even though I have to go to school the next day... Then maybe end up doing nothing again at my friend's house... watching Discovery or National Geo...

After getting home, either I

bathed, then online, then do a bit of reading... and maybe a bit of tutorial work if I'm happy... then online again... even though I know there won't be any blog updates from friends cause I just visited their blogs a few hours ago... then visiting F1 sites and soccer sites and yahoo to check mails and wikipedia to see if I have any sudden curosity about anything that I might want to read up on... then youtube to see if there's any interesting videos around...


I sing and sing and sing and sing and sing and sing the same songs over and over and over and over and over again... which explains why my library of sing-able songs never really increase... and each song takes up at least 3 minutes... some 4... some 5... 12 songs then one hour already... but I do some of the above while singing... which makes it even longer...

then before I realise...

it's already 2am.