
Tuesday, July 13, 2004

eventful day...

haha... quite an eventful day today... haha...

during assembly... zhang came down the line and told me and han yong that we need to attend tomorrow's chiense class... O.O haha... quite sad... cause... i thought i managed to get away from chinese... but zhang miscalulated and i was just short of 0.4 mark to be freed from chinese... haiz... anyway... so be it... it's just some lessons... let's wait for the actual 'o' result to come out in august... hope i can get an A2 at least... and then i'm really freed from chinese foreverrrrrrrrrrrr anyway got hong rong to bring the chinese 4B textbook... gonna lend it from him till august at least... haiz... stupid chinese...

lessons was alright... can quite understand A maths... vectors only... if i can't even get the concepts right... haha...i think i can go die already :X tomorrow having a maths test also... intergration... see how... should be failing de... haha..

i a bit mad today... haha... keep on asking penny 'so u've decided huh?' haha.... all because i started laming about she missing me... when i sneezed... haha... i know you didn't la... cause u'll only miss your toad... ME NOT EVEN IN YOUR WAITING LIST! haha... anyway my classroom duty is sweeping the floor on tuesdays... haha... guessed the whole class like it cause they know i can do a good job... since i had been sweeping the class for almost the whole of last year... haha...

students council investiture was okay... only that when felicia went up got people shouted 'alvin' and jackson called for me... shouting 'shi yang'... haha... she's popular ya? haha... stupid jackson... he lucky he not sitting anywhere near me... if not he's gonna experience some pain... haha... i know my punch don't hurt for others... but i think it will do some pain for him... lolz... another bad thing was that they did not asked the ex-president to give speech... i was preparing to stand up and applause him after he finished his speech.. but... nvm... :)

she seems to be out of reach already... i feel this esp so after sunday's chat session... was so cold... i mean... cold towards me... not like last time already... during last december... but she's always like this (so cold) when it is school term... she wants to focus on her studies i think... but don't have to make me the victim right? never mind... i'm kinda giving up also... i don't think we're going anyway... i'm going australia next year... probably for 6 years and she can't be joining me even after her jc... think she's probably be going US or england or maybe even russia? i don't know... but australia is out of the question... what good universities are there in australia? :) maybe i shall go there and find my new love... cause i don't think felicia can last any longer also... :) i think she's just admiring me... haha... she haven't found her true love... ;) but she's kinda depressed by the fact that i'm going overseas for a long time... but it's still... around 6 months away? she's crazy :X

maybe i'll go without saying anything... maybe i will... but even if i did confess to her before i go... will she wait for me? i doubt so... the distance isn't a matter but time is... it's definately gonna affect our feelings in some way or another... she WILL find better guys... guys that love her even more... guys that really suits her... someone who can really be by her side when she needs him... do things that i cant do... someone with better qualities than me... etc etc... there's nothing i can do... i'll be gone and she'll be free... everything depends on her... i can only sit at some corner and watch her leading her own life...

i love you, shy min