
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

i'm lousy

i can't even do well in physics... left so blanks... haiz... dunno can pass or not... paper2... haiz... tomorrow paper1... 30 questions huh? try to get full marks... not impossible... i got 29/30 before... but it was foo's paper... tan's paper... haiz...

6 passes with 4 at B4 suddenly seems so difficult for me now... it's almost for sure that i cant use my prelims results to qualify for trinity... see how ba... if can use mid year use mid year lo... mid year i was just one mark away from qualifying it(humanities 49/100)... if cannot ask for forecast lo... if still cannot i wait for 'o' and use 'o' to qualify and then enter the accelerated course which starts at july lo... haiz... no matter how bad or well i do i'm going to australia for sure... Lolz... oh ya... if my 'o' still cant make it... i can go die liao...

it's so near to 'o' and i only noticed it today... but my prelims ain't over yet? how come? haiz... next week start doing tys ba... have to do well for 'o'... as promised...