tag replies
wow... two days onli quite a number of tags... have been finishing up my tutorials so that i can start doing past year papers... the onli subject that i think i'm going to do past year without doing tut is maths1... and there's literutare too.. and then econs... haiz...
ok... so tag replies!!!! (nth to blog about actually)
arthur: haha... ya... but poor thing la... if not wrong this is the second black flagged he recieved? or was it another guy? haa... from my memory is him :X
arthur and yonda: hah... i tot so too.... but actually cannot condemn their performance to 'plain lucky' also la... their car was good... the drivers didn't make any mistakes... so they derserve the two positions also mah... it's normal for cars to break down in f1 de i think u all also noe... drivers' mistake then quite unusual... but kinda common also :X
xiaoli: YAYAYA... the best enjoyment of the race is not ferrari getting second and third... but seeing the two renaults retiring!!! LOL....
kpot: u link here through arthur huh? ya... xli from pjc... riverside sec de... my friend (obviosuly :X ) haha... u noe her ar... u two noe each other? LOL.... such a small world... maybe next time i put my blog small as the disney production song 'it's a small world afterall' :X
john-ren: erm... pri sch friend
kentx: :P u now then noe ar... not too bad la.... next year birthday... still got time... hehe...
so u all(got watch f1 de) now noe wat i mean by ferrari still got chance but michael no hope? hehe
ok... so tag replies!!!! (nth to blog about actually)
arthur: haha... ya... but poor thing la... if not wrong this is the second black flagged he recieved? or was it another guy? haa... from my memory is him :X
arthur and yonda: hah... i tot so too.... but actually cannot condemn their performance to 'plain lucky' also la... their car was good... the drivers didn't make any mistakes... so they derserve the two positions also mah... it's normal for cars to break down in f1 de i think u all also noe... drivers' mistake then quite unusual... but kinda common also :X
xiaoli: YAYAYA... the best enjoyment of the race is not ferrari getting second and third... but seeing the two renaults retiring!!! LOL....
kpot: u link here through arthur huh? ya... xli from pjc... riverside sec de... my friend (obviosuly :X ) haha... u noe her ar... u two noe each other? LOL.... such a small world... maybe next time i put my blog small as the disney production song 'it's a small world afterall' :X
john-ren: erm... pri sch friend
kentx: :P u now then noe ar... not too bad la.... next year birthday... still got time... hehe...
so u all(got watch f1 de) now noe wat i mean by ferrari still got chance but michael no hope? hehe