
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Finished exams, now what? GO HOME!


My first exams in my first sememster in my first year in uni is over!

Purposely made it big to... you know... haha... shall not say. So bad... lol

Anyway, yea, it's over. And as most of you should already know, I'm going back this Thursday. Here's the details:

Flight: SQ 238 (I think it's excatly the same aircraft as the one my sis took)
Est. Arrival Time: 1605

What else do you need to know? That's all! Hahahhahahahah. Sorry, a bit high, cause you know, I've finished my exams!


So so I'm going back. I know you want to meet me. Thinking of things to do so that you can ask me out? I'm here to help!!!

Here's a list of movies that I want to watch. Pick anyone and sms me and very soon you will see me in real life!

(in order of my random-ness)
  1. Poseidon
  2. Superman Returns
  3. Fast and the Furious - Tokyo Drift
  4. Cars
  5. The Break-up
  6. Click
  7. Just My Luck

Woot! 7 movies! How much is the cheapest movie tickets available in Singapore? =x

Supposed to have another one but I've found people to watch it with me. The Omen! Tonight! Hmm... Too happy I guess. Kinda don't know what to write and there's exclaimation marks all over this post. Why? You've forgotten why?

I've finished my exams!