Joke of the month!
Damn sia suay la! I placed the wrong bet!
I was scrolling through the long list of odds to see if there's multi-bets cause the odds are higher and I have in mind to bet that Spain and Brazil will win their next game (which, Spain won with a stunning 4 - 0 over Ukraine by the way).
And I saw this:
Brazil/Spain $21.00
Wah! High odds! Quickly bet!
*hi-tech machine eats money, qas touch on the screen of hi-tech machine, hi-tech machine give out a piece of paper*

After two hours, I thought, cannot be what... How come the odds so high... So I went online to check what excatly had I bet.
My wrong bet is that Brazil and Spain will be the top 2, which means Brazil playing Spain in the Final match.
Looks possible after Spain's performance in their opening match eh? Let's rewind a bit.
Spain has always been a top team but their best performance in World Cup?
A quater-finalist.
Okok by the way, I've comfirmed my flight! with an Indian !#@#%#$^#%
"I don't have a reference number, can I just give you my passport number instead?"
"Wee don chieck by passport number... Whart's your larst name?"
"(figuring out what he said) Oh, Soo, s-o-o"
"Whart's your frlight number?"
"I think it's SQ errr.... I can't remember, it's on the 22nd of June, morning flight"
"Whart's your first name?"
"Shi Yang. s-h-i y-a-n-g"
"Your're cornfirm orn the morrnin frlight, butt stirll orn da wai-tin list for da afternoon frlight"
"Ok. Can I just take the morning one?"
"There's three frlights on da 22nd. Da earli mornin one?"
"Ya, the 10am one"
"There's a 7am earrli morrnin frlight"
"Oh, no, the 10am one"
"Sor, the tan-tan(10.10) orne?"
"Ya... the ten-ten one"
*he punches some things on the keyboard*
"Orkay, your're orn da tan-tan frlight"
"Ok, thank you"
"Tank que. By by"
Tsk tsk... So anyway, I'll be arriving in Singapore at (an estimated time of) 1510, and in case you forgot, on the 22nd June. Dear friends who plan to come to welcome me, please prepare red carpet and press conference and guards.
And tell me what time I can leave so that my parents (I don't have a chauffeur, sigh) know when to reach the airport.
Just pointing out that the wrong bet is the joke of the month, cause the joke of the year will be me winning the bet! *rofl*
I was scrolling through the long list of odds to see if there's multi-bets cause the odds are higher and I have in mind to bet that Spain and Brazil will win their next game (which, Spain won with a stunning 4 - 0 over Ukraine by the way).
And I saw this:
Brazil/Spain $21.00
Wah! High odds! Quickly bet!
*hi-tech machine eats money, qas touch on the screen of hi-tech machine, hi-tech machine give out a piece of paper*

After two hours, I thought, cannot be what... How come the odds so high... So I went online to check what excatly had I bet.
My wrong bet is that Brazil and Spain will be the top 2, which means Brazil playing Spain in the Final match.
Looks possible after Spain's performance in their opening match eh? Let's rewind a bit.
Spain has always been a top team but their best performance in World Cup?
A quater-finalist.
Okok by the way, I've comfirmed my flight! with an Indian !#@#%#$^#%
"I don't have a reference number, can I just give you my passport number instead?"
"Wee don chieck by passport number... Whart's your larst name?"
"(figuring out what he said) Oh, Soo, s-o-o"
"Whart's your frlight number?"
"I think it's SQ errr.... I can't remember, it's on the 22nd of June, morning flight"
"Whart's your first name?"
"Shi Yang. s-h-i y-a-n-g"
"Your're cornfirm orn the morrnin frlight, butt stirll orn da wai-tin list for da afternoon frlight"
"Ok. Can I just take the morning one?"
"There's three frlights on da 22nd. Da earli mornin one?"
"Ya, the 10am one"
"There's a 7am earrli morrnin frlight"
"Oh, no, the 10am one"
"Sor, the tan-tan(10.10) orne?"
"Ya... the ten-ten one"
*he punches some things on the keyboard*
"Orkay, your're orn da tan-tan frlight"
"Ok, thank you"
"Tank que. By by"
Tsk tsk... So anyway, I'll be arriving in Singapore at (an estimated time of) 1510, and in case you forgot, on the 22nd June. Dear friends who plan to come to welcome me, please prepare red carpet and press conference and guards.
And tell me what time I can leave so that my parents (I don't have a chauffeur, sigh) know when to reach the airport.
Just pointing out that the wrong bet is the joke of the month, cause the joke of the year will be me winning the bet! *rofl*