
Sunday, October 29, 2006

I'm back!

I reformatted my laptop last night and then I tried to transfer the files back into my laptop.

And then I found out I backup the wrong 'favourites' file. So all blog addresses are gone, and if you read this you might want to PM me your blog address...

And then there's a MSN Astrology page in that wrong favourites file, and I thought I would just go and take a look, and this was what is written for me for the month of October.

Taurus, you may be a little more tense than usual as the month begins. For the first few days it might be a good idea to get lots of rest, minimize stress and throw yourself into your work to avoid conflicts. By Sunday, October 8 you'll be back to your calm, unflustered self. The next day when you go back to work you'll be facing a heavy workload and extra demands. The rest of the week will be more laid back and easier to manage, both mentally and physically. By the weekend of October 14 you may have to give into someone else's needs. This is someone who needs a lot of attention and will cause drama unless they get it. Confusion on Sunday, October 15, will leave you wondering how to proceed with plans. The week of October 16 will be full of social events, and you'll feel calm and relaxed most of the time. After the Moon enters Scorpio on Sunday, October 22, you can expect that things will not easily go your way for a few of days. A disagreement with someone close will set the tone. The next day it would be in your best interest to step back and try not to push any buttons, especially with loved ones and coworkers. A person in authority will probably try to wield their power and there is no point in reasoning with them. A concentration of planets in Scorpio will keep emotional issues bubbling just under the surface until the end of the month.

So true!

P/S The shortest post (the last one) has the most number of comments. How ironic.