Back from Cairns! & Day 1
Yup! I'm back. And I really update on the 29th. I didn't take many photos during the trips, so there won't be a lot of pictures for you to see.
First full day in Carins, we did snorkeling!

That's me(right) and Ming Jack. And you know, erm, it's a big ocean, and we were sea-sick, so, ya, it's better to erm, swim together...
And that's where I got a serious sun-burnt.
I don't know what's wrong with the trip but that was the first time I got sea-sick. And many many others onboard vomitted also. Oh ya, it was the Great Barrier Reef that I went to snorkel!

Great Barrier Reef...
These photos are taken by the professionals who went to dive with us, and then sold them to my sister.

Where's Nemo?!


Watch out!
Q: Why did Steve Irwin died of a stingray attack and was never seriously injured by a croc?
A: He's a croc hunter but not a stingray hunter!

A stone fish stonning...

I think the 'great' is talking about the size, not the appearance of it. It's definitely big, but the reefs doesn't have much colours and somehow, I though the ones near Redang is nicer, just that, Redang doesn't have as many marine lives living in the reefs.
Lunch was served after the first snorkel, but I didn't dare to eat cause we still have to travel to another reef and I scared the more I eat the more I vomit. So, I went to the front of the ship to sun bathe, or erm, sun bake.
You see, I wasn't feeling well, so I was trying to sleep. But the sun was so strong and I had to cover my eyes with my left arm. I must had been fallen asleep and relaxed my legs, cause this is what I've got after I woke up...
I just realised the photos I took ain't obvious enough to show how bad I was burnt, so, no photos! I will replace this paragraph with photos if I find a good one.
I TELL YOU. THAT BURNT WAS TMD PAINFUL! I couldn't even stand properly. Even just relaxing the legs on bed is painful. And just in case you're wondering, I didn't apply any sunblock or sunscreen, cause I wanted to try not applying anything for the first day and then decide if I want to apply for the following days. Expensive lesson I've got there...
Walked through the city of Cairns to look for a resturant with a decent price after the sea trip and settled down in a Japanese resturant.
There's so many Japaneses in Cairns! So many, that people forgot the existence of Chinese people!
People see yellow skinned humans they go Konichiwa, then if they suspect if you're Japanese or not, they say Annyong ha shimnikka.
You walk into a Japanese resturant, they talk to you in Japanese, you walk into a Korean resturant, they talk to you in Korean. You walk into a Japanese(Korean) resturant owned by Korean(Japanese), they talk to you in Korean(Japanese), and then Japanese(Korean). And I didn't walk into any Chinese resturants.
Then you tell them you're neither Japanese nor Korean, and that you're Malaysian, they get surprised! Why? I don't know! Maybe it's like what Russell Peter said about Indians in Italy, maybe those people those everyone in Malaysia is Malay. And so when we showed up we shattered their dream for them (Russell Peter, 2005).
So, after dinner we walked some more in the city, and that was the first time I saw an Australian city with shops open at 8, 9pm, simply because that was the first time I've been to another Australian city. HA!
Couldn't walk and care too much cause my leg was hurting me. So me and Ming Jack decided to buy some lotion or something to lessen the pain from our sun burns. And we bought this!

Take another look!

Click to see the words clearly
It was hours after the burn when we bought it, and it definitely wasn't a minor burn. So, it's useless!
Didn't sleep well that night cause of my legs. It hurt a lot when I move my leg the slightesttttttt bit. And it still hurt when I don't move it at all.
Day 2 next time cause I need to pack my stuffs and move it to my friend's house. I'm moving out, finally!
First full day in Carins, we did snorkeling!

That's me(right) and Ming Jack. And you know, erm, it's a big ocean, and we were sea-sick, so, ya, it's better to erm, swim together...
And that's where I got a serious sun-burnt.
I don't know what's wrong with the trip but that was the first time I got sea-sick. And many many others onboard vomitted also. Oh ya, it was the Great Barrier Reef that I went to snorkel!

Great Barrier Reef...
These photos are taken by the professionals who went to dive with us, and then sold them to my sister.

Where's Nemo?!


Watch out!
Q: Why did Steve Irwin died of a stingray attack and was never seriously injured by a croc?
A: He's a croc hunter but not a stingray hunter!

A stone fish stonning...

I think the 'great' is talking about the size, not the appearance of it. It's definitely big, but the reefs doesn't have much colours and somehow, I though the ones near Redang is nicer, just that, Redang doesn't have as many marine lives living in the reefs.
Lunch was served after the first snorkel, but I didn't dare to eat cause we still have to travel to another reef and I scared the more I eat the more I vomit. So, I went to the front of the ship to sun bathe, or erm, sun bake.
You see, I wasn't feeling well, so I was trying to sleep. But the sun was so strong and I had to cover my eyes with my left arm. I must had been fallen asleep and relaxed my legs, cause this is what I've got after I woke up...
I just realised the photos I took ain't obvious enough to show how bad I was burnt, so, no photos! I will replace this paragraph with photos if I find a good one.
I TELL YOU. THAT BURNT WAS TMD PAINFUL! I couldn't even stand properly. Even just relaxing the legs on bed is painful. And just in case you're wondering, I didn't apply any sunblock or sunscreen, cause I wanted to try not applying anything for the first day and then decide if I want to apply for the following days. Expensive lesson I've got there...
Walked through the city of Cairns to look for a resturant with a decent price after the sea trip and settled down in a Japanese resturant.
There's so many Japaneses in Cairns! So many, that people forgot the existence of Chinese people!
People see yellow skinned humans they go Konichiwa, then if they suspect if you're Japanese or not, they say Annyong ha shimnikka.
You walk into a Japanese resturant, they talk to you in Japanese, you walk into a Korean resturant, they talk to you in Korean. You walk into a Japanese(Korean) resturant owned by Korean(Japanese), they talk to you in Korean(Japanese), and then Japanese(Korean). And I didn't walk into any Chinese resturants.
Then you tell them you're neither Japanese nor Korean, and that you're Malaysian, they get surprised! Why? I don't know! Maybe it's like what Russell Peter said about Indians in Italy, maybe those people those everyone in Malaysia is Malay. And so when we showed up we shattered their dream for them (Russell Peter, 2005).
So, after dinner we walked some more in the city, and that was the first time I saw an Australian city with shops open at 8, 9pm, simply because that was the first time I've been to another Australian city. HA!
Couldn't walk and care too much cause my leg was hurting me. So me and Ming Jack decided to buy some lotion or something to lessen the pain from our sun burns. And we bought this!

Take another look!

Click to see the words clearly
It was hours after the burn when we bought it, and it definitely wasn't a minor burn. So, it's useless!
Didn't sleep well that night cause of my legs. It hurt a lot when I move my leg the slightesttttttt bit. And it still hurt when I don't move it at all.
Day 2 next time cause I need to pack my stuffs and move it to my friend's house. I'm moving out, finally!