
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Finally a new post!

Been so long since I last posted, right? Haha.

Been doing nothing much lately. Since I came back, I drove to Singapore twice already, and maybe the third time tomorrow after I check the parking rates for the Costa Sands Resorts.

The first time I drove in was during Christamas day. Went to Sun Tec city with family (not the whole family) cause my eldest sister took my mum to that flower expo. Traffic towards Singapore and back to Malaysia was unexpectedly smooth. No jam or whatsoever along the causeway and at the checkpoints. Wasn't too happy cause that was what I expected and this smooth traffic means the next time I drive into Singapore will still be my 'first time', cause normally there's a jam...

Then the second time, jam at the two checkpoints. Pretty okay la actually, nothing too scary. Drove to prawning with John, Yong Da and Lip Seng and in 5 hours, we caught 43 prawns using two rods! Whole pond there people looking at us keep on catching prawns. I also don't know why so many of them can't catch also, but some is really too stupid to catch prawns la. Got one girl the prawns already hooked until the line also tighten le she still like day-dreaming. Then by the time she realised and want to pull the prawn out, she pulled too fast and then the prawn escaped.

Those stupid prawners was feeding the prawns, but lucky they are still hungry enough for me to catch. Without Yong Da I think we would had caught more prawns. LOL.

31 Dec I went to town to 'countdown' with my friends. Those who want to know what we really did can ask me personally la. But don't expect too much also cause it's a bit too much to type, but too little to be very interesting when spoken.

Slept at 7 at Evelyn's house and woke up at 9 to meet three other guys at 10am to go to Sentosa. Our volleyball skills are really lousy but I had a bit of a tan. Not my dream tan but I just have to go a few more times and I should be able to have the same colour through out my body. Stupid burns I've got in Cairns, and I know I haven't blog about it yet...

Burnt my back and back of my neck in Sentosa but it is nothing compared to what I had in Carins. Maybe I should blog about that Carins trip soon...