i went shopping! (episode 1)
(warning. this post is very very long. but i think you all miss my long posts)
i've been shopping lately. bought three new items. this is the first of a series of posts about the new items that i've bought. today, i'm going to tell you about something that i already have, but i still went to buy a new one cause i can't stand the current one i'm using. it occasionally makes funny sounds when i use it. and if i depend on it, i will always be late. maybe even one month late! hahahahaha. any guess?
you suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. you cant be my friend if you guessed a watch. i haven't been wearing a watch since secondary school! was waiting for people to buy me one actually.....
hey, just kidding okay? don't give me a watch as a present. it's like giving me a hand-held clock. and we chinese don't give clocks as presents.
anyway, i bought a new laptop! ok I'm going to follow the logical order and tell you the model soon but before that, i have something important to tell you...
don't tell me Sony laptop sucks. =D
it's this! sony vaio vgn-cr23!

'pure white' some more leh!
'why white?' you might ask. haha. cause i like apple products and initially i intended to buy iMac, and apple products are meant to look nicer in white. doesn't really make sense if you link white to apple and so i should get sony items in white too. but everything turns out fine if you think about it this way...
i fell in love with iMac/Macbook...
but for some reasons we couldn't be together...
so i found sony vaio, the substitute!
but getting this sub wasn't easy. see, i bought it when sony was having promotions. so with the same amount of money, i get free
- keypad cover
- 1gb of ram
- 2 years international warrenty
- ugly carry bag. like... bag. not those you carry around using your hands. the kind you carry around using your back.
eh, apart from the last one, good deal right! xiaoyun said this is cheaper and better than what she bought six months ago at a pc fair la! lol. happy like crazy.
so, i went to the shop knowing what i want. gave them a damn easy time to make a sale, just like the kind of service i gave to city mazda in melbourne when i went into their showroom and told the salesman i want to get a mazda 3 neo and turned down the offer of having a test drive and paid the deposit and everything and went home only to realise i didn't even open the mazda 3 on display and sit in it.
so i went to sony, told the salesman i want to get a vaio vgn cr23, white. new one. don't want display.
so he said 'ok, but i only have one that's on display now. new one have to wait one week.'
since i'm not dying to have a new laptop (i'm still using the old one in fact) i agreed to wait till next week. so i paid the deposit. or rather, i tried to pay the deposit.
the salesman asked me, 'how much do you want to deposit to be?'
'hmm. how much do you want. i'm going to pay the full amount sooner or later so it doesn't matter how much i pay now.'
'errrr, **** will do. and i need your IC' (gave him my license instead but this is not important cause the license also has my IC number, which also tells them my date of birth, my name and my address. which is all the information they want. but why do they want it? i don't understand. it's not like they're going to deliver it to my house or send me a birthday present. and towards the end of the post, you really will think they ask for those details just.for.fun)
'ok, **** then' (i forgot how much le, but it's not a whole number. i only remember it's not a whole number cause after a while, the salesman came back and told me...)
'errrrr, because it's not a whole number it's difficult. do you mind paying the full sum instead?'
'(feeling weird. cause the full sum is not a nice number also) ok, fine with that'
then after that, the payment finally went through and he gave me a recipt.
order time: 1.5 mins
payment time: 4 mins
i gave you that kind of service you return the favour by giving your father a worse service ar? tsk. don't get me wrong. there's actually nothing wrong with the salesman. he's very polite and nice. the problem lies with the manager. cause he/she was the one doing the payment and can't be bothered to talk to me straight and had to use the salesman as the middle person to convery messages.
but, there's more to come.
come sunday, which is excatly one week later and on the day that he told me the new laptop should be ready and will call me to tell me when to collect, i had my lunch near the shop and so decided to walk in and ask if my laptop is ready.
'oh, your laptop has arrived. but not the extra 1gb or ram. but you can still use the computer. just that it will be slower. when the ram arrives you can just bring your laptop over and we will upgrade it for you.'
not bad what. ok lo. 'i'll take it now'.
*salesman starts packing*
'how long is it going to take?' my mum asked. cause we were rushing home.
'oh, cause it's new it'll take around 45mins'
woooahhhhh. let's skip the inbetween bit and jump to the conclusion. my sister will help me pick it up 45 mins later and she'll call me and i'll drive there to fetch her.
~ ~ ~
'hey yang, collecting le. you can make your way here now'
'oh, ok'
'hey wait.'
(passed the phone to the salesman)
'hi mister soo, cause we ran out of the keypad cover, can we give you something else instead?'
'errrrrrrrr. what is it?'
'usb cooling fan. it's more expensive than the keypad cover'
wah! u.s.b...c.o.o.l.i.n.g...f.a.n. what is it? should be something to blow the usb cooler or what. never heard of it before. but should be quite something since it's more expensive than the keypad cover.
'if i don't like it, can i change it to the cover again?'
'hmmm... can. if you don't like it then just bring it back and we'll see what we can do. maybe give you something else or if u still want the cover then we can try to get it for you. cause it's while stock last and we ran out of it already.'
~ ~ ~
reached there.
listened to one song on the radio.
listened to one other song on the radio.
listened to yet another song on the radio.
how come it takes so long ar? better go down to check.
parked my car illegally like many others did and went down.
but before my i reached the shop i saw my sister and bro-in-law walking towards me with the laptop already.
'wah! that manager. don't know what he's doing. don't say a thing and don't want to release the product. then i couldn't take it anymore and asked him what's the problem. he say 'oh, no problems...' but then still don't want to release it to me. then after sometime i asked him again and he said 'i can't release it to you cause you're not the buyer.....' wah! like this just now don't want to say earlier. then i told him 'but this salesman saw me with my brother just now. then he said 'OH, like this then ok. okok.' '
happily drive back home lo. then open the usb cooling fan to see what it is, and i had the horror of the week.
ok la. actually there's nothing wrong about calling it usb cooling fan. it's just very misleading. very clever of sony.
u see. when you don't put any puncuations inbetween, people interpret it as (usb cooling) fan when in actual fact it's usb (cooling fan). how cunny!
wah seh. can't take it. straight away throw everything back and demanded to the manager to get me a keypad cover and delivery the whole lot to me once everything is absoutely ready (which he agreed), including the ram, which by that time he told me it had already arrived, but not 45mins earlier. tsktsk.
so from monday till friday there was no calls from them. i didn't even want to look into their shop when i walk past.
then on friday, around 2.30pm, my sister told me there's a call for me.
'hi, is this mister soo?'
'oh, you wait ar...'
to sister: wah lao. for papa one la. why you passed it to me?!
sister to me: eh! for you one la. from sony centre.
'oh. sorry. ya i'm mister soo.'
'oh your laptop is ready for collection already'
'huh? collection? i told your manager to deliver it to my house! i'm still waiting for it you know!'
'hmmm... like this ar... ok, i'll see to it'
~ ~ ~
at nearly 5pm, about the time for me to leave my house for john's birthday dinner in singapore, there was another call from sony centre.
'mister soo. cause you have to sign something for the international warrenty you have to come and collect and sign the document.'
'if it's just a signature then why cant you bring the document to me during delievery?'
'oh, you have to fill up something as well'
go bang wall la. i expected this already. buying a laptop doesn't include delivery. this i know. but your ineffecient manager already agreed to my demand. why back out now? fucked up service this is. i cant be bothered talking to you anymore. i just want to collect my laptop and has nothing to do with this lousy sony branch ran by idoitic managers.
in the end, you know what?
i had to fill up a FULL FORM. a lucky draw form. i'm already so furious that i told the salesman (which is polite and everything and oversees my purchase personally) that i don't want to take part in the lucky draw. i don't want to waste my time filling up a form cause i'm very busy.
then, he asked the manager 'how, he doesn't want to take part'
then the manager shouted to salesman, who was standing beside me.
then after that, the salesman TOLD ME I HAVE TO FILL UP THE FORM FOR THE INTERNATIONAL WARRENTY. and guess what are details needed? all the standard stuff! my name, my address, my date of birth, my gender, my contact number, my email address.
ALL OF WHICH THEY HAVE, except for the email address.
they just gave me a brand new form and ask me to fill it up myself. i still remembering saying fiercely to the other salesman who is attending to me now cause the original one knew better english and was asked by the english-idiot-manager to communicate to a customer who only speaks english 'YOU ALL SHOULD HAD FILLED ALL THE INFORMATION THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE AND ASK ME TO FILL THE ONES THAT YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT. THIS, NAME. DON'T YOU ALREADY HAVE IT? AND ADDRESS. AND PHONE NUMBER. DON'T YOU ALL HAVE IT ALREADY?!'
*nothing from the salesman. angrily filled up the form*
the other salesman is also very polite. after filling up, he told me nicely
'here's your laptop. thank you' (with a bow some more : )
deep breath in....
deep breath out....
all this trouble started cause why? still remember?
i went into the shop and made a order, using only 1.5 min.
p/s to be fair to them i didn't say which branch it was. but cause part of me want them to know how bad the managers themselves were, and how good their salesmen are, can someone print three copies of this whole post and pass it to the sony branch in plaza pelangi. the one on the first floor. the one inbetween maxis and seasons bakery? thank you. =)
p/p/s two copies are enough. cause one of them don't know english. ;)
oh, another question. how come i wasn't asked to fill up the international warrenty form the first time i collected my laptop? if i didn't throw it back to you and ask you to deliver and you ended up asking me back to collect it, does that mean that the managers/salesman forgot about the warrenty and so i'm not covered by it? and which actually means that the first time i collected my laptop, out of all the promotional items, i only recieved the ugly bag, which is impossible to ran out cause it's ugly.
was i just filling something that is already done just so that you can save the cost of delivery? =)