
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

my first email to the dean

Hi Prof Iven Mareels,

I've decided to send this email to you directly as I'm not very sure if you would ever be informed of the students' concern about the exams schedule for sememster 2, 2008, if I send it to other important personnals in the faculty.

As a straight Mechanical student who has already got used to having an average of 5 papers every sememster over a period of 8 sememsters, the exam timetable has not always been as ideal as to that of most other faulties.

It was already bad, but still managable, last sememster when we have two papers worth 80% each (which was the two 'heaviest' papers for last sememster by the way) on back to back days. I was already wondering why these two papers were scheduled so closely together because these are two core subjects and were taken by the whole cohort.

Unfortunately for this semester, the university has decided to schedule two papers from Thermofluid 3 (436-352) and Engineering Design and Processes 2(436-311) on the same day. Again, this is frustrating because if one is a straight MechEng student and has never failed any subject in the past and is still following the course outline, he/she will be taking this two subjects in this sememster.

I recognise the fact that across the university, students are put being put in the same situation every sememster. However, when it happens to my friends, it's always the case that they're doing a double degree and the two papers that they have on the same day are from differnt faculties/departments.

Even for my friends who sometimes have 2 or 3 papers on back to back days, the same thing applies, that is, they are having papers from differnt faculties or different departments within a faculty (eg accounting and finance. but for commerce students they do not have a strict course outline as we do).

However, for the same thing to happen to the whole cohort, I personally think it is a bit too ridiculous. I can't help but to get the impression that because our course is small, we are not important.

I am not putting too much hope that the exam schedule will be altered, but nevertheless, if something can be done to make the situation better, I am pretty sure that everyone student from third year MechEng 2008 will be more than happy to have the schedule changed.

Thanks for your time and attention as I think you probably have more important things to look into other than a problem with the scheduling of the exam papers that, of course, you're not sitting for.

Shi Yang SOO