
Monday, October 18, 2004

taylors college

it's gonna be my new sch... Lolz...

'see u in melbourne'

that's what the professor from taylors told me... haha...

ok... kinda accepted by taylors le... yeterday talked with that guy... i think it's some kinda interview in some sense... anyway, that guy said the letter of offer should be ready by today...(o.O) then it's up to me to accept the offer liao... course start in jan... hope in the late jan... if not chalet how? haha... see how la... so... will be taking year12 and five subjects... eng maths(two) chem and phy... that guy told me to do theses subjects for engineering... but if i were to opted for commerce in uni...

'they'd love him'

that's what he said... dunno wat mind trained to be wat wat wat then wat wat wat then my sis also said wat wat wat then i just okokok then ok set take those subjects le... :X

anwy when i showed him my prelims he said 'ur results show that u should go for commerce~'

am i good enough to be a businessman? *wonder*