
Sunday, June 04, 2006

In the midst of studying

Well, it's getting crazy. I still can't study non-stop for long hours afterall. Maybe it's cause I'm studying at home and is infront of the television and my laptop. =x

But the laptop is there cause I'm doing textbook questions and the solcutions are on the web. If not I think I'll actually be in the library; was a bit relunctant to bring my laptop to school.

So I got boring surfing the net and went to check my mail to see if Apple had replied me (I exchanged 4 or 5 mails with Apple to complain about my iPod, but that's not important). Well, they haven't. Clicked on one folder and decided to read the mails in there, dated all the way back to 2001.

I remember there would had been more mails in that account if not for some friends during Sec 1 sent me a lot of mails with attachments. And then I didn't check my account that often then and all the mails got deleted because it reached the quato. I still remember who that person is.... haha.

But anyway, after reading what was left, suddenly...

I realised I wouldn't had been what I am without those things that happened back then.

I found the real reason for me to be online for long hours, even if I'm really online or just 'parking' on MSN, the reason for me to don't celebrate birthdays, and many other things. Surely from Primary 6 to around Secondary 2 I changed grew a lot and whatever happened during that time, influenced me to a significant extent.

Haha. And this blog was created, I think, in 2003. Opps, out of point already but anyway...

I've added a new counter to my blog! Used to have one but I forgot why I removed it. Maybe cause the number was too embarrasing. Haha. But then this new counter don't just count how many times my blog is hit but is counting the unique users that come to my blog on a day.

Erm, I don't know if I make any sense but I'm not going to read through what I wrote just now and to put it simply, if you came to my blog more than once in any day, the counter will still just increment by 1. Unless of course you came through another computer.

With that knowledge, it was quite surprising to find out that the counter actually shows 14 in the first day. Of course two of the 14 is myself, once yesterday and once today. Don't laugh! Of course I come to my own blog!

Argh, just blogging cause there's nothing to do. Keep coming, and start commenting. =x