
Monday, July 19, 2004

stay happy? how...

really... what's the difference between having them around and not having them around? it's no difference... even if they're at home, i don't talk to them... i seldom... often enough... ya... that's the answer i chose for the school's survery too... often enough... :)
to be frank, i'm kinda jealous... haha... ALVIN! YOU AND HER FAMILY VERY CLOSE HOR? haha... never mind de la... haha... i also in no position to be jealous also... ;) don't care me... i guai guai de... as felicia said... i guai guai de... :)
if i need anyone... call you? please... i'll only spoil your mood... you can't help me much also... maybe can't even help me at all... anyway i won't want to spoil your mood... i rather keep it to myself... felicia... don't care me... :)
recieved shy min's sms... ask whether or not i want to watch brotherhood next sunday? at first i was quite happy... then reply 'haha... sure...' but i type until there i started to think... maybe she sent wrong person? i don't want to reply and tell her i can go and find out she sent to the wrong person... so i clear the text and replied 'did you ask the wrong person?'
good enough she replied 'no~... y?' haha... just now replied her anything... still waiting for her reply... but don't have leh... haha... see how la... if got such things then she will surely msg me when the date comes nearer...
i still got a maths... poa... poa remedial haven't do... haha... and is still making an entry here... stupid right? haha... i guess i shall go do some of it now... quite a lot... tomorrow want to copy also can't finish de lo... so have to start now...